Growing up in south Louisiana, didn't lend itself to real pheasant hunting. Duck hunting was the wingshooting of choice, so after taking my friend Mark Clymer on a duck hunt he reciprocated with a South Dakota pheasant hunt that changed me forever. Not only did I fall in love with this hunting but also the people of South Dakota and a group of guys that I would come to know over the next 20 years as we made this trek opening weekend every year.
For Hunters By Hunters
So why not give back to the sport and the people that make pheasant hunting what it is and create a brand that will stand for all the memories and great meals this sport provides. Along came ROOSTER! A new brand designed to continue the tradition and give back a portion of proceeds to Pheasants Forever so my boys and others like them can experience this passion one day as well.
231 Public Square #300
Franklin TN 37064
Rooster! - Designed by DigitalTreehouse